Mission & Values
The Pepper Foundation is a local charity that raises money to fund the Children’s Hospice at Home nursing team, managed by Rennie Grove Hospice Care. The children’s nursing team provides specialist paediatric care for children with life-limiting or life-threatening conditions free of charge in patient’s own homes and is available, with nurses available to families every day, all year round. The team also offers practical advice for parents and emotional support for siblings and other family members.

Our Mission
Our mission is to raise funds to support families and children’s hospice care at home for children with life-limiting or life-threatening conditions in Herts and Bucks.
Our Values
Our work is shaped by our values.
We are committed to ensuring children with life-limiting or life-threatening illnesses and their families are able to live as full lives as possible.
We build strong local communities, valuing and recognising the contributions of our supporters and volunteers in fulfilling our mission.
We are innovative and go the extra mile to ensure our fundraising events and activities increase support for the Pepper Foundation brand and mission.
We are dedicated to supporting the Rennie Grove children’s nursing service and ensuring children and families receive the care and support they need.
We provide good governance and deliver value for money by ensuring openness and transparency in all we do.